2016年1月13日 星期三

How Can It Be - Lauren Daigle

歌名:How Can It Be
歌手:Lauren Daigle

我罪孽深重 | I am guilty

羞於自己所做所為,羞於自己所變的模樣 | Ashamed of what I've done, what I've become

我的雙手已沾滿污穢 | These hands are dirty

我不敢抬頭仰望那聖潔的你 | I dare not lift them up to the Holy one

你為我辯護 | You plead my cause

你糾正我的錯誤 | You right my wrongs

你打破我的枷鎖 | You break my chains

你戰勝了一切 | You overcome

你為我獻出生命 | You gave Your life

賜予我新生 | To give me mine

你說我已經得著自由 | You say that I am free

這怎能是真的? | How can it be

怎能是真的? | How can it be

我我一直躲藏起來 | I've been hiding

害怕自己讓你失望,内心充滿懷疑 | Afraid I've let you down, inside I doubt

懷疑你是否還能愛我 | That You could love me

但在你的眼中,只有恩典 | But in Your eyes there's only grace now

即使我跌倒了,你也會使我更新 | Though I fall, You can make me new

從這死亡中,我將與你一同復活 | From this death I will rise with You

哦,你的恩典向我伸出手 | Oh the grace reaching out for me

這怎能是真的? | How can it be

怎能是真的? | How can it be

